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In this article, you'll learn step-by-step how to start using OBS Studio to stream to Twitch and what the best settings to use are so that you have the best-looking stream possible. 

Getting Started

The first thing you're going to do is go to This is the website that you're going to use to download OBS Studio. 

You'll select whether you're using a Mac or a Windows computer and then you'll download OBS. 

Once you have this downloaded, you'll see a screen just like the one below. 

OBS Dashboard

Setting up the Auto-Configuration Wizard

Initially, you're going to be prompted with an auto-config wizard which we'll go ahead and go through as it can help us get OBS set up in the best way possible. 

 First, you'll select 'Optimize for streaming, recording is secondary'. Then, select 'Next'. 

For selecting your 'Base Canvas Resolution', I would suggest you utilize whatever your monitor screen is. 1920x1080 is also always a safe option to use and it's what I'll be using today. 

As for FPS, I like to go ahead and have this be 60. Now, you'll press 'Next' again. 

Now, you're going to connect your Twitch account to OBS Studio. 

Log In to Twitch

Under 'Service', you'll need to select 'Twitch' and then press 'Connect Account (Recommended)'. This will bring you to a screen where you'll get logged in to your Twitch account. It will also ask you for an authenticator code as well. 

After it authenticates, you'll have two checkboxes that say 'Prefer Hardware Encoding' and 'Estimate Bitrate with Bandwidth Test (May Take a Few Minutes)'. You'll want to have both of these boxes checked and then press 'Next'. 

Now, this will start to test what settings will be best for your stream based on the computer that you're utilizing for Twitch. We'll still be making some modifications to these settings ourselves so that you can stream at 1080p and 60fps without being an affiliate. 

Again, this is looking for which Twitch server to use. The closer and better the server is, the less lag your stream is going to potentially have and the better experience the viewers will have.

This may take a few minutes, but once it's done, it will provide you with a list of their recommended settings. 

Suggested Settings

It suggests that I use a bitrate of 6,000. 

For now, we'll just select 'Apply Settings'. 

Stream Information and Stream Chat

Now, you'll be able to see some new options here. 

New options for Base Canvas Screen

Personally, I don't utilize the 'Stream Information' one. If you want to, you can. You put it over on the left.

As for the 'Stream Chat', you will want to utilize this. What I do is I remove 'Stream Information' and then place the 'Stream Chat' on the left side of the screen so that it's easy for me to utilize. 

Testing Your Internet Speed

One really important thing that you'll need to do is test your internet speed to determine what bitrate your internet can withstand streaming to without any lag. 

To test this, we'll go to and press 'Go' in the center of the screen. 

Whatever your upload speed is will determine how smooth your stream is going to be, whether it will lag, and if it can support a high-quality stream. 

What you're aiming for is an upload speed of at least 20. If you have a 20-upload speed, you'll be fine to stream to Twitch at 1080p and 60fps without any issues. 

Once you have this established, head back over to OBS. 

Adjusting Your Settings in OBS

Now that you know your internet is capable of streaming to 1080p and 60fps, it's time to adjust your settings in OBS so that you can do this in the best-looking way possible. 

We'll start by going to the bottom-right-hand corner and pressing 'Settings'. Then, you'll go to 'Stream' settings.  

OBS Settings

We're going to make sure that everything is connected here. You'll want to be sure to select 'Ignore Streaming Service Setting Recommendations'. 

Then, you'll come over to 'Video' settings. 

Your 'Base Canvas' will be whatever you set it to earlier, but you'll want your 'Output (Scale) Resolution' to match the 'Base Canvas'. So, for me, both of these will be 1920x1080. The 'Common FPS Value' should be 60. 

Next, we'll go to 'Output' settings. This is where your settings are going to be the most important. 

By default, the 'Output Mode' is going to be set to 'Simple', but we'll want to change this to 'Advanced'. Then, we'll come to 'Streaming'. 

Some of these settings will be different depending on if you're using a Mac or a Windows. 

Mac Settings

If you're using a Mac, the settings that you ought to be utilizing will be below. 

We'll start with 'Audio Encoder'. For this, you'll want it to be 'CoreAudio AAC'. 

For 'Video Encoder', this will be 'Apple VT H264 Hardware Encoder'.

This is very important: for the 'Rate Control', you'll set this to 'CBR'. Then, for the 'Bitrate', you'll set this to '7,750'. 

You may be thinking, "Isn't only up to 6,000 Kbps supported?" However, if you use 7,750, you'll be able to stream to 1080p at 60fps on Twitch. 

The 'Keyframe Intervals' should be set to '2s'. 

The 'Profile' will be set to 'High'. 

Then, you'll want to make sure to have 'Use B-Frames' checked. 

Mac Settings

Windows Settings

If you're on a Windows, the settings below will give you the best-looking stream at 1080p and 60fps on Twitch. 

For the 'Audio Encoder', you'll want to utilize 'FFmpeg AAC'. 

For the 'Video Encoder', you'll use 'NVIDIA NVENC H.264'. This is going to be your graphics card. 

Your 'Rate Control' will be 'CBR'. 

As for the 'Bitrate', again, you'll want this to be '7,750 Kbps' so long as you have a 20-upload speed. Even at a 15-upload speed, you should be okay to use this bitrate. 

The 'Keyframe Interval' will be set to '2 s'. 

The 'Preset' will be at 'P6: Slower (Better Quality)'. 

Your 'Tuning' should be set to 'High Quality'. 

'Multipass Mode' will be set to '2 Passes (Quarter Resolution)'.

Your 'Profile' should be set to 'High'. 

You'll want 'Look Ahead' and 'Psycho Visual Tuning' to both be checked. 

Your 'GPU' should be set to '0'. 

Lastly, 'Max B-Frames' should be set to '2'. 

Windows Settings

Once you have these settings adjusted, go ahead and press 'Okay'. 

With all of this set up, if you were to start streaming now, it would be sent over to Twitch with all of these settings in place. 

However, before going live, you want to make sure that your stream looks professional and put together. If you want to be able to add overlays like a 'Starting Soon' screen, a 'Countdown Timer', and so much more, be sure to check out this video here. In it, I'll walk you through step-by-step how to get all of that setup in OBS Studio so that your stream looks as good as possible. 
