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If you stream to Kick utilizing OBS Studio, it's now easier than ever to set up Kick alerts and Kick stream labels. In this article, I'll be showing you how to set both of these up so that you can have a professional-looking stream. 

If you're new here, be sure to check out The Streamer Academy where I help you start, build, and succeed as a streamer. There are tons of free resources available for you to utilize that will help grow your stream.

The Streamer Academy

The first thing you're going to do is get OBS Studio opened and ready to be used. 

Choosing Your Alerts

Before we can add our alerts, we need to find which ones we'll be using. 

I would highly recommend checking out Stream Designz if you're looking for new alerts. They have tons of overlays to make your stream look professional.

For this example, we'll be focusing on animated alerts. You can purchase individual alerts if that's all you're looking for. However, if you don't have any overlays, like a 'Starting Soon' or a 'Countdown Timer', I would recommend getting a package that will automatically include all of the overlays and alerts that you may need. 

I'll be using the 'Galaxy' alerts and the full 'Galaxy' animated overlay package from Stream Designz today. 

Galaxy Animated Overlay Package - Stream Designz

If you look at the photo below, you can see that everything you need is going to be included in this overlay pack. 

Everything Included in Galaxy Overlay Package

Especially if you get your alerts and overlays from Stream Designz, they're going to help your stream look professional and stand out. 

Changing Your Follower Alert

Next, we're going to go to StreamElements and get logged in with Kick. This is what's going to allow you to bring in your Kick alerts and labels to OBS Studio. 

When you go to log in, this is going to prompt you to authorize StreamElements which you're going to need to allow. 

Once you're logged in, you'll see a dashboard just like the one below. 

StreamElements Dashboard

We'll go to the left-hand side to where it says 'Streaming Tools'. Then, you'll select 'Overlays' and click 'Create New Overlay'. 

We'll leave this at '1080p' and then press 'Start'. 

Now, you'll come to the bottom left and select the plus-sign icon (+). Click where it says 'Alerts', select 'Alert Box', and now you can see that you have 'Follower Alerts', 'Subscriber Alerts', and 'Tip Alerts'. If you 

You can select 'Emulate' and then 'Follower Alert' if you want to see what these look like, but we'll be using custom alerts so it will look more professional. 

To change the animation for the alert, press the gear icon next to the alert that you're going to change, and then select 'Change Video'. 

If you got your overlays from Stream Designz, these will be downloaded as a zip file. To unzip these on a Windows, right-click the zip file and select 'Extract'. It will then unzip the files and create a new folder with all of your overlays. If you're on a Mac, simply double-click the zip file, then these will be added to their own folder. 

If you got the full overlay package as I did, you'll have various folders within this folder for all of the different kinds of overlays like 'Panels', 'Webcam Overlays', 'Alerts', and 'Overlay Screens'. 

Folders from Galaxy Overlay Package

We'll go into 'Alerts' and find the 'New Follower' file. Select this and press 'Open'. You should see this pop-up, and if you don't make sure that you're using Google Chrome or log out, restart your computer, and log back in. 

Now, if I emulate the new follower event again, I'll be able to see my custom alert animate. 

New Follower Alert

You can see that the text is not where it needs to be and you'll want to make it a little bit bigger. 

Adjusting Your Follower Alert

To customize your alert, press the gear icon next to 'Follower Alert'.

I like to go ahead and clear the sound since I typically have music playing on my stream and I just want the alert to pop up without any sound. If you do want it to have sound, you can leave this as is. 

Next, we're going to adjust what the alert says. I don't like for this to have a lot of text, so I'm going to change the 'Alert Message' to "(name) followed!" If you keep it short, there's more room for people with longer names. 

For the 'Alert Duration', I like to keep this at '6' seconds. 

Now, we'll scroll down and go into 'Text Settings'. 

If I hit emulate again, I can see that my text is going to be smaller than I want, so I'm going to adjust the font size. This is a setting that's going to be up to your personal preference and each alert that you get from Stream Designz is going to be slightly different, so you may just need to tweak these numbers a bit. I'll be putting this at '45'. 

For the font, you can leave it as is if you want. I like to use the font "Oswald". 

The 'Color' is just going to be white and I'm going to leave it as is. 

The 'Pulse' is going to be the color of the name itself, so I'm just going to change this to a color that matches my animated alert. 

New Follower Alert Edited

Now, what we need to do is make sure that the name is popping up in the center of the animation. 

To do this, we'll go into the 'Advanced' text settings and adjust the 'Margin'. 

This is going to be a little bit different for everyone based on the alerts that you're using. 

For 'Top', I'm going to start by setting this to '-195'. This is going to bring up the text since it's negative. If it's a positive number, it's going to bring it down. 

If I emulate the alert again, I can see that the name is exactly where I want it to be in the center. 

New Follower Alert Adjusted

If you wanted to push the name up a little bit more, you could change the 'Top' to '200', or if you wanted to bring it down, you could put in '180' or '185'. 

Next, we're going to want to make it so that the name pops up a little bit after the animation happens. Currently, it pops up first and we want to give the alert a little bit of time to animate before it does. 

To adjust this, we'll go to 'Animation Settings' and then to 'Text Appearance Delay'. Again, this will vary depending on your animation, but for the Galaxy alerts that I'm using, the sweet spot is going to be '1.9s'. 

If I emulate this one more time, I can see that the name pops up right when I want it to. 

Now, we have this alert exactly how we want it to be and we'll just follow the exact same process for the 'Subscriber Alert'. 

Adding Your Subscriber Alert

To add your 'Subscriber Alert', start by pressing the gear icon next to it. Then, select 'Change Video' and upload the file for your subscriber alert. 

Next, you'll adjust the settings the exact same way as we did for the follower alert. The only difference is that you can go to 'Variation Settings' This is the only type of alert that you would change for the 'Resubscriber', 'Subscriber Gift', and 'Tip Alert' settings. 

I typically only use the 'Subscriber Gift' and 'Resubscriber' alerts. You do need to go into these and change the video for the alert just like you did for the first-time subscriber alert or else it will be the StreamElements default alert. 

You'll change the video to be your custom subscriber alert and you'll then change the name, and alert duration, and follow the exact same process as you have with the other alerts. 

Once you have these setup, we need to bring them into OBS Studio. 

Adding Your Alerts to OBS Studio

Before we can add our alerts to OBS Studio, we first need to hit 'save' on StreamElements and name this "Kick Alerts". Then, select 'Save' again and click on the paperclip icon in the top right corner. 

Now, we can go over to OBS Studio and go to a scene where we want our alerts to show up. I'm going to be utilizing my 'Gameplay' scene. 

Select the plus icon under 'Scenes' and select 'Browser'. Let's name this "Kick Alerts" and press 'Ok'. 

For the 'Width' and 'Height', I want to match this to my canvas and then resize it, so I'm going to put '1920' for the width and '1080' for the height. Then, you'll paste the URL that you just brought over from StreamElements here. 

To test whether this worked or not, head back over to StreamElements and select 'Emulate' a few times. Then, go back over to OBS Studio and make sure that the alerts are appearing. 

New Follower Alert on OBS

To adjust these on a Windows computer, hold the 'Alt' key, and if you're on a Mac, hold the 'Option' key. Then, you can make sure that this is sized exactly how you want it to be and move it to wherever you want it to show up. 

I'll come back to StreamElements to emulate this a few more times and make sure that the alert is showing up exactly where I want it to. I can also use this to resize the alerts some more and make sure that it looks right. 

Alerts Resized on OBS

Now, we have our alerts from Kick popping up. Any time someone follows, subscribes, or donates, these are going to pop up on your stream. 

Setting Up Your Labels

The next thing you'll want to do is set up your labels. What I mean by labels is what's going to show up on your overlay bar. It will say the name of the new follower, the name of the new subscriber, the name of the new donation, and your stream goal. 

This is also the same thing that you utilize in your 'Just Chatting' scene where it shows your new followers, new subscribers, and top donations. 

We're going to go ahead and get into how to get these labels to pop up on your stream. 

Start by going back to StreamElements, go back to the dashboard, and select 'New Overlay'. We'll follow the same process here. 

Let's leave this at '1080' and press 'Start'. Then, press the plus sign icon, go to 'Static/Custom', and select 'Video'. 

Click 'Change Video' and locate the file for your 'Just Chatting' labels in the 'Overlay Screens' folder. If you only purchased the alerts from Stream Designz, you won't have these labels, the overlay bar, or the just chatting overlay. If you went ahead and purchased the full package, then you'll have everything included here. 

Select 'Open' and then press 'Submit'. You should see it pop up here. 

For 'Video Size', select 'Auto', and then size up the overlay all the way to the end of the screen. 

Just Chatting Overlay

Then, on the left-hand side, go to 'Layers' and make sure that this is locked in place.

Next, press the plus sign icon again, go to where it says 'Labels', and select 'Latest Subscriber'.  

You'll see this pop up, but there's not going to be a name with it yet, especially if you don't have any subscribers or if you haven't had any latest subscribers. However, you can still set this up so that when someone does subscribe, their name will pop up. The same goes for new tips and new followers. 

Since this is a bit big, I'm going to go to 'Text Settings' and lower the font size to '20'. You can decide if you want to use a different size, but this is what I've found works for me. 

Latest Subscriber Alert

Then, I'm going to go to settings and change the message to say "Latest Sub: (name)" since people's names can be a bit longer. I'll also extend the box for the label itself so that people's names don't get cut off. 

Now, I'll click the plus sign icon again, go to 'Labels', and then select 'Recent Followers'. Again, this is going to show up as an empty box since I don't have any most recent followers.  

Under 'Template', I'm going to change this to just say "Follower (name)". 

Then, in 'Text Settings', I'm going to change the font size to '20'.

I'll adjust the box where the alert will pop up to make sure that it fits. 

Next, hit the plus sign icon again, go to 'Labels', and select 'Latest Tipper'. This is going to show the amount that the viewer tipped. 

We'll change the 'Text' to say "Latest Tip (name) - (currency){amount}".

Go back into 'Text Settings' and change the font size to '20' so that it matches the other labels. 

Labels Added

Adding Your Labels to OBS Studio

Next, we need to bring this into OBS Studio. On StreamElements, hit 'Save', and we'll name this "Just Chatting Labels" Press 'Save' again and then click on the paperclip icon. Then, copy the URL and head over to OBS Studio.

Once you're on OBS, you're going to go to your 'Just Chatting' scene and then hit the plus sign icon under 'Sources'. You'll select 'Browser'. We'll name this "Just Chatting Labels" and then select 'Open'. 

We're going to change the 'Width' to '1920' and the 'Height' to '1080'. Then, we'll paste the link that we just copied from StreamElements and press 'Ok'. 

Now, you'll see your just chatting scene pop up along with your labels. 

Just Chatting Scene with Labels

Anytime someone follows, subscribes, or tips, an alert is going to pop up at the bottom of the screen now. We need to add the alerts that we set up earlier to our Just Chatting scene as well. 

A great thing about OBS Studio is that you can add these alerts to any scene just by pressing the plus sign icon under 'Sources', going to where it says 'Browser', selecting 'Add Existing', and then finding 'Kick Alerts'. 

Once you've done that, you'll see the alerts appear here. If you go back to StreamElements, press 'Emulate' a few times, and go back to OBS, you'll be able to see this and adjust to where you want it to be. 

Adding Labels to Your Overlay Bar

Next, we need to follow this same process for our overlay bar in the 'Gameplay' scene. 

To do this, you'll follow the same process as before one more time to get this set up. 

We'll go back to StreamElements and select 'New Overlay', leaving this at '1080p'. Then, hit the plus sign icon, go to 'Static/Custom', and select 'Video'. To change the video, select 'Upload', and locate the file for the 'Overlay Bar'. Press 'Submit' and then you should see this come up on your screen. 

Once again, if you did not get the full overlay package from Stream Designz, then you're not going to have the overlay bar. 

For 'Video Size', I'll set this to 'Auto' and then I'll just size this up until it's the size that I want it to be. 

Overlay Bar

Now, we'll go to layers and lock this in place. 

Then, you'll hit the plus sign icon and select 'Latest Subscriber'. You just need to follow the same steps to set this up for the rest of the labels, like the 'Latest Follower' and 'Latest Tip' labels.

At the end is where you can add a goal. To do that, press the plus sign icon, go to 'Followers', then 'Goals', and select 'Follower Goals'. 

Initially, it will look like this below. 

Follower Goal

You're going to want to select 'Use Simple Design' in 'Settings'. This is going to give you a 'Follower Goal' that ranges from '0-100'. You can change this to be whatever number you want it to be. Then, you'll size it down and move it into place.

Once you've customized all of this to your liking, you're going to hit 'Save' again and name this 'Overlay Bar'. Then, you'll press the paperclip icon and head over to OBS Studio one more time.

I'm going to go ahead and hide my overlay bar under 'Sources'. Press the plus sign icon under 'Sources', hit 'Browser', and then name this "Overlay Bar Kick". You'll press 'Ok' and set the 'Width' to '1920' and the 'Height' to '1080'. Then, you'll paste the URL that you just copied from StreamElements and press 'Ok'. 

At this point, you should see your overlay bar showing. You can go ahead and size this up to be the exact size that you want it to be. Then, hold the alt or the option key to make sure that it's taking up the right amount of space. 

Overlay Bar on OBS

Now, if you want to learn how to add the rest of your overlays, like your 'Starting Soon' and 'Countdown Timer', to make your stream look professional, check out this video here. In this, I'll be walking you step-by-step through how to add all of these overlays to your Kick stream utilizing OBS Studio. 
